As a Western resident, you have an obligation to fulfill certain responsibilities and expectations as a member of the community. Below you will find a list of rules, regulations and principles to aid in a successful residential experience.
Please note: these standards are subject to change based on Housing need.
See Housing Agreement for the terms you agree to when living on campus. See Conduct Procedures to understand the resident conduct process.
Table of Contents
- Accepting a New Roommate
- ADA Accommodations
- Alcohol, Possession or Use Of
- Amnesty
- Animals in Residence
- Authorized Entry
- Balconies & Sundecks
- Barbecue Grills
- Bicycles
- Candles & Incense
- Checkout Instructions
- Computers, Responsible Use Of
- Contracted Services/Outside Vendors
- Decorating or Personalizing Your Space
- Demonstration Policy
- Disability Accommodations
- Disruptive Behavior
- Drugs, Possession or Use Of
- Electrical Equipment & Appliances
- Elevators
- Explosives & Weapons
- Fire Equipment & Vandalism
- Fireplaces
- Gambling
- Guest Policy
- Harassment & Threats of Violence
- Housekeeping Standards
- Housing Financial/Contract Appeals
- Keys and Lockouts
- Lounges & Common Areas
- Missing Persons Contact
- Pest Management
- Prohibited Items
- Projectiles
- Property Left Behind
- Quiet Policy
- Roofs, Windows & Ledges
- Scooters & Motorcycles
- Sexual Misconduct
- Smoking/Vaping
- Solicitation & Commercial Activities
- Theft
- Transferring Rooms
- Trespassing
- Vandalism
- Vehicle Parking
If your roommate moves out, you must keep the vacant side of your room clean and empty for a new roommate. A new roommate may be assigned to your room anytime during the remainder of the academic year. Building staff will make every effort to provide advance notification that a new roommate is coming, however a new roommate may arrive without notice. You may be asked to take corrective action and charged additional room rent if the vacant side of your room is not clean and empty when a new roommate arrives, if you turn away a newly assigned roommate, or if you discourage a prospective roommate.
University Residences recognizes the importance of providing reasonable accommodations in its policies and practices and is committed to supporting the University's educational purpose and mission. University Residences work in partnership with the Disability Access Center (DAC) to provide comparable, convenient, and accessible housing to students with disabilities, without charging higher room rates for a DAC approved disability accommodation.
University Residences adheres to the University's Accommodating Persons with Disabilities policy (POL-U1600.03), which is in compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-11) and 45 C.F.R. Part 84; Fair Housing Act of 1968, Chapter 49.60 RCW; and Chapter 28B.10 RCW.
The Residential Community Standards incorporate information on the Disability Accommodation in University Residences page, which include the steps to receive a disability accommodation in University Residences.
Definitions in the alcohol policy
- UR means University Residences – Office of Residence Life
- Paraphernalia includes alcohol-related items, containers intended for alcohol, and what are considered common source containers.
- Of-age/of age refers to 21 years or older; Underage refers to younger than 21 years old
- Public intoxication refers to the exhibition of any disruptive behaviors while under the influence of alcohol that could threaten the welfare, health, and/or safety of one-self or others as well as behaviors that could result in damage to personal or WWU property.
- This policy refers to non-WWU affiliate persons, students, and WWU UR residents.
Underage persons may not buy, possess, consume, or otherwise acquire any alcoholic beverage. If you are underage, it is unlawful and violates UR values and policy to possess any amount of alcohol in any container.
- Possession of alcohol containers, whether full or empty, by persons underage is prohibited.
- Decorative use of alcohol related paraphernalia may be permitted by the Resident Director when the paraphernalia is clearly not intended for the consumption of alcohol and does not currently contain alcohol.
- No person may sell, serve, or otherwise furnish alcoholic beverages to any underage person.
- Knowingly being in the presence of alcohol is prohibited by persons underage. Residents of any age may not be in a room with someone who is violating those alcohol policies.
- Responsible alcohol consumption/possession is permitted in a private room/suite/apartment when all assigned residents, guests, and visitors are of-age and do not show signs of over-intoxication and/or behavior disruptive to their community. Alcohol consumption is not permitted in the common spaces of campus residential communities or in residential building space that is designated as substance free.
- Possession or consumption of alcohol anywhere within substance-free residence halls or living areas is prohibited.
- It is also a violation of policy when consumption of alcohol, regardless of age or location, leads to public intoxication that disrupts the welfare of oneself, the community, or property.
Games and other behaviors that are designed to facilitate, promote, or replicate competitive, excessive, accelerated, or abusive consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited, even if only involving water, regardless of age. Equipment, supplies, and paraphernalia designed for use in these behaviors are prohibited and may be disposed of or confiscated.
In conjunction with UR policy, complying with the WWU University Drug and Alcohol Policy is required.
In situations involving intoxication, alcohol poisoning, or drug-related medical issues, or medical issues resulting from intoxication, students are encouraged to seek swift medical assistance for themselves and others without fear of penalty. Students requesting and receiving medical assistance in these situations will not typically be subject to the student conduct process. This policy refers to isolated incidents and does not excuse students who repeatedly or flagrantly violate the alcohol or drug policy, nor does it preclude action arising from other violations of the Community Standards. University Residences will consider the positive impact of reporting a situation when determining any course of action.
Complainants and witnesses who in good faith report sexual violence will not be subject to alcohol or drug violations of the Residential Community Standards occurring at or near the time of sexual violence, unless their own conduct places another person's health or safety at risk. Without imposing sanctions, University Residences may initiate educational remedies regarding alcohol or drug use.
University Residences is committed to supporting the University's educational purpose and mission, and works in partnership with the Disability Access Center providing students access to all levels of the residential experience. While pets are not allowed in University Residences, animals classified as service animals (per the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended) or emotional support animals (per the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) are permitted. Campus residences with a service animal or emotional support animal must adhere to the following:
Service Animal: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Titles I and II), a service animal is any animal individually trained to perform tasks for an individual with a disability, and the tasks performed must be directly related to the disability. The law allows service animals into all campus buildings, including University Residences (UR), dining venues, libraries, classrooms, etc.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA): Also known as a comfort or therapy animal, an ESA is any lawful animal providing a therapeutic benefit to a person with a verifiable disability. Unlike service dogs, ESAs are limited to their owner's residential building; entry into dining venues and other campus buildings is prohibited. Campus residents are limited to one approved ESA.
Pets: Pets are prohibited, but fish in tanks under 10 gallons are allowed. Service animals and ESAs are not considered pets; however, they do require approval and documentation from the Disability Access Center (DAC).
Requesting Accommodation (3 Part Process)
Part One: Incoming or current residents requiring a service animal or an ESA will receive information about having an animal on campus, and will receive information about the standard procedure for requesting reasonable accommodation through DAC. A service animal notification is complete after part one.
Part Two: If a student's ESA request has been approved by DAC and noted in the placement tool; the student must contact University Residences to set up an animal review. University Residences must be allowed a reasonable amount of time to respond to requests for an assistance animal accommodation.
Part Three: The resident meets with University Residences staff to discuss the decision. If approved, they will review the Conduct Expectations for themselves and their animal.
Note: University Residences may not permit an animal if it believes the accommodation will pose a substantial or direct threat to the health or safety of the community, or if it presents an undue financial or administrative burden.
All animal owners must adhere to the following guidelines; failure to comply with these guidelines or the UR Housing Agreement, could result in conduct action, damage or cleaning fees, removal of animal from University Residences, and/or eviction of the owner.
The animal must not pose a threat to the health or safety of others, and the owner is responsible for any financial or contractual liability occurring as a result of animal's behavior.
The owner must be in compliance with Bellingham Municipal Code as it relates to the care and control of the animal.
The owner must ensure animal has proper immunizations, licenses and any required veterinary documentation. University Residences has the right to request documentation relevant to these health and safety records at any time at which point documents must be produced.
The owner must be in compliance with the Residential Community Standards and will be held accountable for how the animal impacts residents, staff, other animals and the facilities.
The owner must have the animal under control at all times by means of a harness, leash or tether, unless it interferes with the animal's work or it is not compatible with the owner's disability.
a. The owner may not leave the animal in the care of another resident.
b. The owner may not leave the animal unattended in their assigned room overnight.
c. The owner is responsible for providing a safe and secure barrier between the animal and others who may enter the room when the owner is not present. The barrier is to be appropriately sized for both the animal and the room, and not restrict the animal from healthy movement, access to nourishment, or expose the animal to harm. University Residences recommends the owner consult with a veterinarian when choosing an appropriate barrier for animal.
d. The owner is responsible for understanding University personnel reserve the right to enter any residential room, with or without notice, for the purpose of health and safety, maintenance repair, facilities inspection, or other official business.
e. The owner of an ESA may only take the animal in to residential buildings: where their Housing keys give them access.
The animal must be housebroken; otherwise it must be caged at all times. The owner is responsible for the proper bagged disposal of animal waste in appropriate outside containers. If the owner is physically unable to dispose of the animal's waste, they must make arrangements with someone who is capable.
The owner is responsible for keeping their animal free from pests such as fleas, ticks, mites, etc.; and for any charges resulting from damage, cleaning, or pest infestation.
Keeping, raising, or using live feed of any kind (crickets, mice, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
Bathing animals in any sink, shower or tub located in University Residences is prohibited (except in designated spaces).
In the event of roommate conflict, required moves will be based upon the standard policy of using Housing Priority Date to determine who will be moved.
In the event of a complaint, the owner should contact WWU Equal Opportunity.
Residential Buildings
Residential buildings are locked at all times and no persons, except those listed below, are authorized to enter. If you believe someone has entered your building without authorization, notify the front desk (if open) or the University Police at 360-650-3555 or 360-650-3911 (if there is an emergency situation). Certain public areas on the ground floors of the Fairhaven Administration building, Alma Clark Glass main floor, and Buchanan Towers are unlocked and open to all members of the University community during business hours.
- Residential students and invited guests
- University staff on University business and wearing University ID badges
- Non-University personnel on University Business and wearing University visitor badges
- Alumni, prospective students and families on official campus tours
Residential Rooms
University personnel respect every student's right to privacy, safety and security. University Residences has the right to enter any residence hall room or apartment for the purpose of facilities inspection, maintenance requests, student health and wellness and other official University business. Depending on the reason for entry, students typically receive notification 24 hours in advance.
Per standard protocol, University personnel will knock twice, while announcing themselves. If there is no answer, they will announce themselves once more upon entry of the room or apartment. Staff will be wearing University ID badges.
If University personnel discover policy violations while in a student's room, appropriate follow-up will occur.
Balconies and sundecks are available in some buildings for common use. Community guidelines apply to these areas as well. Smoking is not allowed on any sundeck or balcony. Sundecks are not available during inclement weather. Staff may restrict use and availability as deemed necessary.
Barbecue grills are a potential fire hazard in a community living environment. However, barbecue grills may be used on balconies and patios in Birnam Wood and on the Edens Hall deck. You must monitor your barbecue grill at all times. You must extinguish charcoal and dispose of it properly. If you live in a community other than Birnam Wood or Edens Hall and you wish to barbecue, contact your Resident Director and they will direct you to an appropriate grilling location. Gas grills are prohibited.
All residential buildings have bicycle racks. Bicycles found in hallways, stairwells and residential public areas are subject to impound; this includes bicycles locked to hand railings, posts and other structures not designated for bicycle storage. Bicycles left in racks and storage rooms after the halls close in June are considered abandoned property and disposed of accordingly.
The use of candles, incense, torches, or open-flame devices are prohibited in University Residences. Making craft candles and use of candles, incense, or sage/herbs (smudging) for special occasions or purposes is allowed with advance permission from your Resident Director. Unlit candles with unburnt wicks are permitted for decorative purposes.
Failure to meet checkout deadlines, complete your room inspection, or follow the proper checkout procedure below can result in an improper checkout fee. Residents are responsible for turning in their keys as part of the checkout process. Keys not returned will result in a charge to your account.
Checkouts may take upwards of two weeks to process while we thoroughly inspect the vacated space and ensure the most accurate billing for our residents.
1. Schedule a room inspection
Once you determine your checkout date, make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance to have your room inspected by your resident adviser. Failure to schedule a room checkout may result in an improper checkout fee.
2. Notify your roommates and suitemates that you are moving out
Discuss responsibility for any damage that occurred while you were living in your room and/or suite. Charges for cleaning, damage, missing items or trash disposal are automatically split between roommates/suitemates unless you clarify individual responsibility at the time of inspection.
3. Vacate and clean your share of the space
You are expected to leave your room clean, empty and properly assembled for the next person to move in. Clean your share of your room and/or suite; responsibly dispose of your trash, recyclables and reusable items. Remove all belongings. Any personal belongings left behind will be bag-and-tag at your expense.
4. Complete your room inspection
Your resident advisor will assess the condition of your room while you are present. Failure to complete your room inspection could result in an improper checkout fee.
5. Check out in person at your front desk
Go in person to your community's front desk to hand in your old room keys. Keys not returned during checkout will result in charges up to $600 for a rekey and applied to your student account. We will not accept keys turned in after checkout.
6. Stop using your meal plan as soon as you check out
If you are moving out of a residence hall, your meal plan will automatically terminate on the day you check out. Using your meal plan after your checkout date will result in additional charges.
7. Redirect your postal mail and packages
If you are moving off of campus completely, inform Western of your new mailing address by updating Web4U; please wait 3-5 business days after checking out before you make this change. Please also note that Mail Services cannot forward any mail or packages to a new address after you move out. Any items that arrive for non-residents are 'returned to sender' and the student is responsible for contacting the original sender.
For more information on potential checkout fees, visit Financial Information.
Every student with access to the University network and computing resources has accepted the terms of the User Agreement for Network and Computing Resources. Violations of the User Agreement occurring in University Residences may fall under the jurisdiction of University Residences, Academic Technology and User Services (ATUS) and/or University Judicial Affairs. Violations include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
- Using an unauthorized IP address
- Sending unsolicited mass mailings including chain letters/email, solicitations and spam
- Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws. This includes providing for distribution copyrighted music or video files
- Deliberately wasting computing resources or excessive bandwidth use
- Using a computer account without authorization
- Using the campus network to gain unauthorized access to any computer program
- Knowingly performing an act which will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals or networks
- Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes
- Using electronic mail to harass others
- Masking the identity of an account or machine
- Posting materials that violate existing laws or the University's code of conduct on electronic bulletin boards
- Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user's electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing or deleting another user's files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner
- Using the network for commercial purposes or charging for any service to access the network
- Using another person's computer account or identity without permission
Services by third party, outside vendors are not allowed to work on Housing property (rooms, bathrooms, buildings). Examples of this are cleaning, repair, painting, etc.
Please note: Housing may allow exceptions to University-endorsed contracted services.
Personal services provided by professionals for students are allowed when the contracting resident is present. Examples of this are personal trainer, personal care attendant, tutor, etc.
For more information on visitors see Guest Policy.
Questions about Contracted Services/Outside Vendors?
No sign or display of any kind shall be visible to the outside public, (like a door, balcony, etc.) of a residential living space. Limited exceptions exist for lights attached around the perimeter of the window, signs or displays supporting events sponsored by the hall council, resident advisors or approved by the resident director. Residents are permitted to display items on their room doors including decorations and white boards to promote a positive living experience.
When decorating interior rooms and room doors (not visible to the public), please refer to the guidelines below:
- Avoid material that a reasonable person might find offensive.
- Don’t post material that attacks, demeans, or otherwise exploits an individual or group of individuals.
- Do not permanently affix materials to the doors.
- Refrain from using non-recyclable materials.
- Flammable materials such as candles, incense, or decorations made from vegetation are prohibited. See prohibited items.
University staff reserve the right to ask students to remove any decorations from walls, doors, windows, balconies, floors, etc. Failure to comply with such a request will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Demonstrations that materially or substantially disrupt the normal operation of University Residences will result in conduct action.
Individuals interested in chalking for demonstration or event promotion in the residence hall outdoor areas should contact their Resident Director to request permission before doing so.
University community members and recognized groups/offices may use chalk in designated areas of the campus and under specific conditions as a means of expressing their views and exchanging information. If a specific use is not indicated in these guidelines, it is assumed that use is not permitted. Only non-toxic, water soluble chalk may be used. Chalking is permitted only on the ground and may not extend to, or include, walls, columns, art work, benches, tables, or part of any facility or structure. Chalk not in designated or reserved areas will be removed. For more information on the University Chalking Policy (Including information on Duration and Clean-up) see: Exterior Space Use/Chalking - Guidelines.
University Residences adheres to the University's Accommodating Persons with Disabilities policy (POL-U1600.03), which is in compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-11) and 45 C.F.R. Part 84; Fair Housing Act of 1968, Chapter 49.60 RCW; and Chapter 28B.10 RCW.
The Residential Community Standards incorporate information on the Disability Accommodation in University Residences page, which include the steps to receive a disability accommodation in University Residences.
Disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Physical abuse
- Verbal abuse
- Threats
- Intimidation
- Coercion
- Obstruction or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of self or others
- Failure to complete sanctions
- Failure to cooperate or comply with University officials
- Providing false identification or information
- Violating policies and procedures
- Being in the presence of someone violating policies and procedures
*See Guest Policy for information when visiting or hosting guests in a residential room.
Possession or use of cannabis in any amount by any person is prohibited by the University. Although Washington State law allows adults age 21 and older to possess cannabis for personal use, federal law prohibits marijuana possession and use of any kind. The University receives federal funds, therefore University residents must adhere to federal laws pertaining to possession and use of cannabis. Students with medical marijuana cards are prohibited from possessing or using cannabis on campus and should consult with the Student Health Center for alternative treatment methods.
CBD (Cannabidiol) Products
Over-the-counter CBD products that are derived from hemp and are less than .3% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) are permitted and can be used in the residence halls.
Other Drugs
No person may possess, use, manufacture, cultivate, package, distribute, sell or provide a controlled or illegal drug or substance. No person may misuse prescription or nonprescription drugs; no person may possess or use drug paraphernalia. Drugs are defined as, but are not limited to:
- Any chemical substance, compound or combination used to induce an altered state
- Any otherwise lawfully available product, over-the-counter or prescription drug used for any purpose other than its intended use
- Any hallucinogen
- Any intoxicant other than alcohol (alcohol is addressed separately)
- Any nervous system depressant
- Any stimulant
Using/consuming drugs or cannabis (regardless of location) and then returning to your residence hall under the influence of, or carrying the smell of, the drug/cannabis is also a violation of the policy.
Any student who remains in the presence of someone violating this drug policy may be subject to conduct sanctions.
In conjunction with UR policy, complying with the WWU University Drug and Alcohol Policy is required.
Any electrical device used within University Residences must be certified by Underwriters Laboratories. University Residences reserves the right to remove any dangerous electrical appliance brought by a student into a residential building.
When considering electrical equipment/appliances in your room or apartment It is important to understand overall load on a circuit. Too many things that draw electricity can trip the fuse (shutting down power to that circuit) when plugged into outlets that are connected. Several or all of the outlets in your room may be connected to each other (or to outlets in other rooms). Therefore, please do not use multiple devices or appliances that use a lot of electricity at the same time and/or consider unplugging other devices.
In the event that power goes out in your room/apartment please report this to Facilities (ReADY request), the front desk or an RA.
Also, while it is wise to use a power strip/surge protectors to protect your devices/appliances, please DO NOT plug additional strips into each other. This creates a heavy load on the circuit and will most likely lead to power outages/blown fuses.
Examples of approved and prohibited items:
Approved: Electric teakettles, coffee makers, rice cookers, microwave ovens up to 900w, and refrigerators up to 4 cubic feet.
Prohibited: Hotplates, space heaters, any device with an open/unprotected coil or heating element, and halogen lamps over 300w. Toaster and toaster ovens are prohibited except in community kitchens and suites with a kitchen or kitchenette.
Anyone found responsible for tampering with an elevator or engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior (including jumping in the elevator) that places themselves or others at risk will face disciplinary action.
Unless authorized by the University, possession of explosives (including but not limited to ammunition, fireworks and explosive devices), weapons, firearms, dangerous and/or flammable chemicals (including, but not limited to gasoline, propane, and camping fuel) is prohibited on campus, on property supervised by the University, or at University-sponsored activities. Weapons include, but are not limited to:
- Firearms of any kind
- Look-alike weapons
- BB guns, pellet guns, paintball and airsoft guns
- Martial arts weapons
- Sticks / clubs
- Laser pointers (if used in any way other than as an academic pointing device)
- Projectile devices, such as catapults or slingshots
- Objects used as weapons to threaten or injure
- Swords and knives; small kitchen knives and folding pocket knives up to 3.5" permitted
Check with your Resident Director for permission to use ceremonial weapons (including details on time / place and reason) for cultural and / or religious purposes.
Tampering with, disabling or damaging any fire safety apparatus, equipment or smoke detector is prohibited under RCW 43.44.110. This includes willfully and falsely activating a fire alarm. Such violations will likely result in eviction and referral to the University Police.
Use of any fireplace in a residential building requires permission from the Resident Director.
Gambling in University Residences is prohibited by University policy and Washington State law. Gambling includes online gambling, betting on athletic events, and the possession of gambling devices.
A guest is an individual who is present in a residential building but is not a member of that building's residential community. Guests must have a residential host and be accompanied by a member of the building's residential community at all times. Residents are responsible for notifying guests of university and residence hall policies and procedures and will be held accountable for the behavior of their guests. Unescorted non-residents will be required to leave the building.
With permission from all roommates, guests are allowed to stay overnight in a bedroom for no more than 3 nights in a row and 7 nights total over the course of a quarter.
- Rights to sleep, study, and feel comfortable in one's own environment take precedence over social uses of a room.
- Residence hall keys or keyless entry devices (prox fobs/cards) may not be given to a guest for any reason.
- Overnight guests are permitted if it is acceptable to roommates.
- Guests are expected to use facilities appropriately.
Harassment and threats of violence are prohibited behaviors that create a hostile or threatening educational or working environment. These behaviors include but are not limited to:
- Unwanted and/or intimidating contact of a threatening nature, including verbal, nonverbal, written or electronic communication
- An expressed or implied threat to an individual's personal safety or property, academic efforts, employment, or participation in University activities
- Intentionally and/or repeatedly following or contacting another person in a manner that intimidates, harasses, or places another in fear for their personal safety or to their property
- Behavior that threatens or intimidates on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and parenting status), age, disability, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation and gender expression or identity.
As a member of the residential community, your housekeeping habits directly influence the living environment of those around you. You are socially and financially responsible for the condition of your space and how it impacts others. Campus living is an educational opportunity to learn valuable skills in housekeeping, cooperation, and self-awareness.
Student Responsibilities
- Your Room: You are responsible for keeping your room clean. Failure to maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness can cause undue wear and tear on your room and furnishing, foster pest infestations, spread germs and illness, and may project an atmosphere that feels disrespectful or unwelcoming to others.
- Community Bathrooms: Hall-style buildings contain community bathrooms cleaned daily by custodial staff. These buildings include Edens North, Mathes Hall, Nash Hall, Ridgeway Alpha, Delta, Kappa, Omega and Sigma. Toilet paper is provided in the community bathrooms.
- Suite Bathrooms for 10 Students or More: If you live in a suite designed for 10 or more students, your bathroom will be cleaned daily by custodial staff. Suites for 10 or more students are located in Fairhaven. Toilet paper is provided in your suite bathroom.
- Suite Bathrooms for Eight Students or Less: If you live in a suite designed for eight or less students, your bathroom will be cleaned monthly by custodial staff. Suites for eight or fewer students are located in Buchanan Towers, Buchanan Towers East, Edens Hall, Fairhaven, Higginson Hall, Ridgeway Beta and Gamma. All suite bathrooms undergo a comprehensive cleaning and maintenance protocol each month; you will receive notification by email. You must remove personal items or the bathroom cannot be cleaned. Toilet paper is delivered directly to your suite when your bathroom is cleaned.
- Birnam Wood Apartments: If you live in Birnam Wood, you and the residents in your apartment are responsible for cleaning the bathroom yourselves. You are required to supply your own toilet paper. Please note that all apartment bathrooms undergo a comprehensive cleaning and maintenance protocol each quarter; you will receive notification by email. You must remove personal items or the bathroom cannot be cleaned.
- Private Bathrooms: A handful of rooms on campus contain private bathrooms located in Edens North, Mathes, Nash, Ridgeway Sigma, Alpha, Omega and Kappa. If you have a private bathroom in your room, you are responsible for cleaning it. You are required to supply your own toilet paper.
- Cleaning Supplies & Equipment: You are responsible for providing your own cleaning supplies and equipment. Toxic products such as bleach, ammonia, drain cleaner and pesticides are prohibited. Be aware and respectful of suitemates who are sensitive to certain household cleaners or heavily-scented products. Brooms, vacuums and other cleaning supplies are provided at your community's front desk.
- Trash, Recycling and Composting: You are responsible for neatly disposing of your trash, compost and recyclables in your community's collection area. Your room comes with a recycling bin, trash can and compost bin. Trash bags and compost liners are delivered to suite-style rooms. Hall-style and Birnam Wood apartments can pick up additional compost liners and trash bags at community front desks.
- Maintenance Requests: You are responsible for submitting a maintenance request whenever something in your room, suite or apartment needs to be fixed or replaced. Typical reasons for filing a maintenance request include a flickering or burned-out light bulb, dripping faucet, clogged toilet, slow drain, or insect infestation. Please note that most maintenance requests are resolved quickly and at no cost to the student.
What Holds Students Accountable?
- Inspections: University personnel are authorized to enter your room or apartment for the purpose of facilities inspection, maintenance requests, student health and safety, or other official University business. If the condition of your room, suite or bathroom is determined to be unacceptable, you will be notified and given a deadline by which you must clear and pass a follow-up inspection. If you fail to follow-up for the inspection, you will be charged for cleaning by custodial staff.
- The Vacancy Standard: If there is a vacancy in your room, suite or apartment you must remain ready to receive a new roommate or suitemates by keeping the vacant portion empty and the occupied portion of the room/suite clean, presentable and welcoming. When leaving for intersession, you are advised to leave your portion of the room/suite clean and presentable in case your current roommate unexpectedly moves out. If the room/suite is not clean and presentable, you may be notified and given a chance to clean before a new roommate arrives. Otherwise, you may be charged the super-single rate for the date the vacancy occurred.
- Consequences for Not Doing Your Part: In order to maintain a clean and healthy living environment, students are expected to communicate, cooperate and share responsibility for cleaning within their room and suite. Failure to do your part may be considered disruptive behavior, which can ultimately result in conduct action.
Financial/Contract Appeals
The University Residences Financial/Contract Appeals Board provides a course of action for students who disagree with the assessment of a housing charge against their account or experience contractual difficulties with University Residences. If a student has an issue concerning the Housing Agreement, a desire to break the agreement, or a disputed damage/cleaning charge, they may submit a Financial/Contract Appeal.
The board meets once per week during the academic term with the exception of finals week. Appeals are reviewed in the order they are received. Petitioners receive the board's decision via their WWU e-mail.
Students should pay any balance owing on a WWU Student Account, even if it involves a charge that is being appealed, as all charges are subject to applicable late fees and registration holds. Appeals must be filed within 30 days of the event or notification of a disputed charge.
Students must submit their own appeal, providing a brief explanation of circumstance. Please limit your appeal to 5,000 characters (about 1,000 words) and include:
- What dollar amount, fee or contract requirement are you contesting?
- What happened?
- Who was involved?
- How did you try and resolve the issue?
- What was the circumstance beyond your control?
Renewal Lottery Appeals
The University Residences Financial/Contract Appeals Board also provides an avenue for students hoping to appeal their Renewal Lottery status. If a student is on the Renewal Waitlist, but has extenuating circumstances that require them to live on campus and receive an eligible place in the lottery ahead of other renewers, they may submit a Renewal Appeal by April 15. Students must submit their own appeal, providing a brief explanation of circumstance. Please limit your appeal to 5,000 characters (about 1,000 words).
Residential buildings are locked 24 hours a day and residents are expected to ensure doors latch behind them when they enter and exit; and no one should ever leave a door propped open. University Residences recommends you always keep your door locked whether you are out of the room or not.
For a lost or missing key, please see Missing key/fob.
If you are locked out of your hall or room, please see Lock Out Support.
Lounges and other common areas are living spaces intended for residents to study, relax, and gather. Use of these areas should be inclusive and yield to other residents in the space; if conflicts arise, staff can assist in facilitating a resolution.
Personal property left in lounges or common areas may result in theft. Overnight sleeping is not permitted.
Taking property from lounges, including university owned furniture, electronics, and supplies meant for common use is not permitted and is considered theft.
Students can confidentially designate someone different from their Emergency Contacts to be reached if the University has reason to believe the student has gone missing.
Should a student go missing, WWUPD or authorized Residence Life personnel will initiate communication to the specified contact listed as the Missing Persons Contact. To assign someone as your missing persons contact, please fill out the Missing Person Contact Info.
Note: If a student does not designate a Missing Person Contact, their Emergency Contact will serve as their Missing Persons Contact.
Reporting a Missing Student Who Resides in University Housing
Examples of Pests
- Ants
- Bats
- Bees
- Bed Bugs
- Birds
- Fleas
- Cockroaches
- Mice
- Rats
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Squirrels
- Stink bugs
What to do when you have pests in your room or in the residence halls:
If you suspect there might be a rodent, insect or animal infestation in your room/suite, please submit the issue in ReADY.
You may also notify any of the following:
- University Residences Facilities (360-650-3556)
- Resident/Apartment Advisor
- Resident Director
- Front Desk
If you see an insect, catch it with a piece of tape or a cup and save it for the pest control technician to identify.
Small Animals
Do not try to catch wild animals on your own. They may bite!
Raised Skin Bumps
If you have itchy red bumps, go to WWU Health Center (360-650-3400). This is not confirmation of bed bugs, but a symptom of a variety of conditions that need medical attention and diagnosis.
- Alcohol: See Alcohol, Possession or Use Of.
- Personal Beds or Bed Parts: Permitted: one set of store-bought bed risers, measuring up to 12 inches with a broad base, are permitted (multiple sets cannot be stacked on each other). Prohibited: Non-university mattresses, non-university beds, and non-university bed parts (unless through an approved university accommodation), homemade bed risers / modifications, water-filled mattresses, and wood, bricks or cement blocks used to prop beds.
- Drugs: See Drugs, Possession or Use Of.
- Explosives & Weapons: See Explosives & Weapons.
- Flammable Materials: Gasoline or any other flammable materials; candles, incense, or any other open-flamed device, decorations made from cut, resin-bearing trees or vegetation such as fir, pine, cedar, spruce and eucalyptus. Also, see Candles & Incense.
- Hazardous Electronics: See Electrical Equipment & Appliances.
- Pets: See Animals in Residence.
To prevent physical injury or property damage, the following activities are strictly prohibited in or around University Residences:
- Throwing anything from a building, window or balcony, including garbage, food, water, and other liquids
- Throwing anything at people, buildings, windows or structures
- Throwing anything in a public/common area
You are responsible for taking home all of your belongings from your room at the end of the year. Anything you leave behind may be removed, donated, or disposed at your expense. University Residences intends to make reasonable efforts to protect your belongings, but the University is not responsible for any damage or loss to personal property.
Courtesy Hours
Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. Any noise you make is not to be excessive or disruptive to your community. If you are asked by anyone to quiet down, you are expected to comply immediately. Excessive noise is a violation of student rights and is unacceptable in University Residences. To minimize impact on others, students with amplified instruments, game systems, or audio equipment are advised to use headphones.
Quiet Hours
While the purpose of courtesy hours is to minimize disruptive or excessive noise, quiet hours are meant to maintain an atmosphere for studying and sleeping. The quiet hours below apply to all residential communities. Again, whenever you are asked by anyone to quiet down, you are expected to comply immediately.
Quiet Hours:
- 11 p.m. Sunday - Thursday nights
- 1 a.m. Friday & Saturday nights
Quiet Hours end at:
- 7 a.m. Monday-Friday mornings
- 9 a.m. Saturday & Sunday mornings
Quiet Hours During Finals Prep and Finals Week
The week before finals week, often known as “prep week”, may have altered quiet hours at the discretion of the Resident Director of that community. During finals week every hall has 24-hour quiet hours, starting at 7 p.m. on Sunday evening and ending at 4:00pm on Friday.
Noise Violations
While it is each student's responsibility to control noise, there is also responsibility of those impacted by noise to first contact the community member and request that the noise be reduced. If this approach does not succeed, contact a residential staff member.
Unauthorized access to any roof (apartment or residence hall), fire escapes, or balconies or ledges is prohibited. Furthermore, removal of window screens, tampering with window safety equipment, climbing through windows, or on building exteriors, and suspending any object from windows, building exteriors, balconies or ledges is also prohibited. Residents who need to retrieve an item from any of these areas must contact their Residence Director for assistance.
Uniform Fire Code (1982 Edition, Section 11.415) and University parking regulations prohibit the storage of gas-powered vehicles (including but not limited to scooters and motorcycles) in your residence hall or apartment. Electric scooters and bicycles may be parked in interior designated bike storage areas (availability depends on building) or rooms (space and roommate agreement permitting). If any gas -powered vehicle is discovered inside a University residence hall or apartment at any time, it will be subject to impound at the student's expense.
It is the policy of the University to provide an environment in which students, staff, and faculty can work, live and study free from sex discrimination, which includes sexual misconduct. Any claim of sex discrimination and/or misconduct is taken seriously. Residential staff act to prevent sex discrimination and will respond appropriately to all reported incidents. Individuals who engage in such behavior may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with University Residences and the University; this may include removal from University Residences, expulsion from the University, and civil or criminal prosecution.
Western Washington University prohibits any form of sexual misconduct. Under Washington State’s legislature, Section 516-21-180 and Section 516-21-120, the following forms of sexual misconduct are defined as:
Sexual Assault: Nonconsensual sexual contact or any intentional sexual touching, however slight, with any object or body part, by one person against another person’s intimate parts (genitals or genital area, breast or buttock [clothed or unclothed]). This includes any intentional bodily contact of one's own intimate area with another person. Regardless of your mental or physical state (i.e. intoxication, consciousness, etc.) at the time of the misconduct, you have a right to safety and resources.
Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. This includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal, physical, or cyber conduct of a sexual nature and can involve persons of the same or different sexes or sexual orientations. Sexual harassment also includes sexual violence, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, stalking, sexual misconduct, and dating violence.
Sex Discrimination: Disparate treatment or disparate impact based on an individual’s sex. This includes sexual misconduct in all its forms—sexual harassment, gender based harassment, and sexual violence, as well as other discrimination that treats or impacts people disparately on the basis of sex, gender, or gender identity.
If an incident occurs to you or you know of an incident, there are multiple resources available to contact:
- Your building staff: Resident Advisor, Resident Director, Assistant Resident Director, Apartment Advisor, Apartment Community Director
- Building student staff report all incidents of sexual misconduct to University Residences professional staff in addition to the Equal Opportunity Office
- Western reporting options:
- Civil Rights and Title IX Office: Old Main 345 | 360-650-3307 |
- University Police: 360-650-3911 | University Police Website
- Bellingham Police Department: 911 | Bellingham Police Department Website
- Confidential Resources:
- Survivor Advocacy: 360-650-3700 | Survivor Services | available Monday-Friday during business hours. Students need to leave a Voicemail with name and phone number. Students will receive a call back within 24 hours or the next business day if it is the weekend.
- Counseling Center: 360-650-3164 | Counseling and Wellness Center | available Monday-Friday during business hours. Emergency services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, throughout the year to current WWU students by calling 360-650-3164.
- Student Health Center: 360-650-3400 | Student Health Center Website
- Assistance for students who have experienced sexual misconduct
For a full list of campus resources involving sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence, please visit the Equal Opportunity Office.
A resource off campus is Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS). DVSAS supports individuals affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation and to lead the community towards ending these abuses of power. Contact information: 360-650-3700,, please call 1-877-715-1563 for a 24 hour advocacy line.
Other off campus resources include:
- Your building staff: Resident Advisor, Resident Director, Assistant Resident Director, Apartment Advisor, Apartment Community Director
On June 9th, 2023, the WWU Board of Trustees approved the revised version of WAC 516-52-001 making the campus smoke- and vape-free. This was filed with the state Office of Code Reviser on the same day and became effective on July 10th, 2023. More information on this topic can be found here.
Due to a variety of local, state and University guidelines, students may not use their university residence for the purpose of running a business.
Most forms of solicitation are prohibited in University Residences and unauthorized solicitation should be immediately reported to staff. Prohibited forms of solicitation include making contact with residents for the purpose of:
- Promoting an activity or event
- Promoting or endorsing an idea or person, such as a political candidate, recycling, or religious belief
- Recruiting for a club or organization
- Selling something, such as an object, product or ticket to an activity or event, even for the purpose of fund-raising
Permitted forms of solicitation are made available to University Residences groups (RHA, Residential Programming Boards, and NRHH) and staff to promote University Residences-related activities and programs. Western Washington University students, organizations and clubs who would like permission to post notices/information should contact University Residences at (360) 650-2960 or
Taking, attempting to take, aiding another in taking or possession of property belonging to the University, another member of the University community, or a guest, as well as being in/allowing the presence of stolen property is prohibited. Please note that taking food, dishes or utensils from the dining commons is considered theft and may result in disciplinary action.
Students wishing to change rooms may initiate a transfer request through the MyHousing portal no sooner than the second week of the quarter. Transfer requests may take several weeks or longer to process depending on available housing and resident requests.
Please note that requests from residents who are open to more buildings, room types (Single/Double/Triple), and rates (Value/Standard/Premium) will be expedited. Residents with specific requests or limited interest may experience longer wait times due to limited availability.
Residents may request a specific room to live with a friend who has a vacancy. However, University Residences reserves the right to use any open space for accommodation and cannot guarantee or hold space for this type of request.
Residents seeking a transfer for medical related needs are encouraged to contact the Disability Access Center for assistance and accommodation.
After receiving official authorization to move, students must set up a room inspection with their RA. Forgoing this inspection, or unauthorized room changes, transfers, or room swaps, may result in an improper checkout fee or key charge.
While we cannot provide you with a timeframe of when to expect a room transfer offer, we encourage you to reach out to your Resident Director for any concerns.
Entering a residential building or room without authorization or permission is prohibited. See Authorized Entry: Residential Buildings.
Vandalism, including graffiti or alteration (temporary or permanent) of University property will result in disciplinary action and financial responsibility for the full cost of repair or replacement.
University Residences recommends arriving without a car the first quarter.
- Western card serves as a bus pass for the Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) public transit system.
- A late night shuttle to downtown and back to campus compliments the WTA schedule, and is included in your bus pass.
- Bicycle storage is provided throughout campus and within each residential community.
- Do not park in reserved spots or fire lanes.
If you do bring a vehicle to campus visit Parking Services for information on Parking Permits.