Alcohol, Possession or Use Of
Definitions in the alcohol policy
- UR means University Residences – Office of Residence Life
- Paraphernalia includes alcohol-related items, containers intended for alcohol, and what are considered common source containers.
- Of-age/of age refers to 21 years or older; Underage refers to younger than 21 years old
- Public intoxication refers to the exhibition of any disruptive behaviors while under the influence of alcohol that could threaten the welfare, health, and/or safety of one-self or others as well as behaviors that could result in damage to personal or WWU property.
- This policy refers to non-WWU affiliate persons, students, and WWU UR residents.
Underage persons may not buy, possess, consume, or otherwise acquire any alcoholic beverage. If you are underage, it is unlawful and violates UR values and policy to possess any amount of alcohol in any container.
- Possession of alcohol containers, whether full or empty, by persons underage is prohibited.
- Decorative use of alcohol related paraphernalia may be permitted by the Resident Director when the paraphernalia is clearly not intended for the consumption of alcohol and does not currently contain alcohol.
- No person may sell, serve, or otherwise furnish alcoholic beverages to any underage person.
- Knowingly being in the presence of alcohol is prohibited by persons underage. Residents of any age may not be in a room with someone who is violating those alcohol policies.
- Responsible alcohol consumption/possession is permitted in a private room/suite/apartment when all assigned residents, guests, and visitors are of-age and do not show signs of over-intoxication and/or behavior disruptive to their community. Alcohol consumption is not permitted in the common spaces of campus residential communities or in residential building space that is designated as substance free.
- Possession or consumption of alcohol anywhere within substance-free residence halls or living areas is prohibited.
- It is also a violation of policy when consumption of alcohol, regardless of age or location, leads to public intoxication that disrupts the welfare of oneself, the community, or property.
Games and other behaviors that are designed to facilitate, promote, or replicate competitive, excessive, accelerated, or abusive consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited, even if only involving water, regardless of age. Equipment, supplies, and paraphernalia designed for use in these behaviors are prohibited and may be disposed of or confiscated.
In conjunction with UR policy, complying with the WWU University Drug and Alcohol Policy is required.