Electrical Equipment & Appliances

Any electrical device used within University Residences must be certified by Underwriters Laboratories. University Residences reserves the right to remove any dangerous electrical appliance brought by a student into a residential building.

When considering electrical equipment/appliances in your room or apartment It is important to understand overall load on a circuit.  Too many things that draw electricity can trip the fuse (shutting down power to that circuit) when plugged into outlets that are connected. Several or all of the outlets in your room may be connected to each other (or to outlets in other rooms). Therefore, please do not use multiple devices or appliances that use a lot of electricity at the same time and/or consider unplugging other devices.

In the event that power goes out in your room/apartment please report this to Facilities (ReADY request), the front desk or an RA. 

Also, while it is wise to use a power strip/surge protectors to protect your devices/appliances, please DO NOT plug additional strips into each other.  This creates a heavy load on the circuit and will most likely lead to power outages/blown fuses.

Examples of approved and prohibited items:

Approved: Electric teakettles, coffee makers, rice cookers, microwave ovens up to 900w, and mini-fridges.

Prohibited: Hotplates, space heaters, any device with an open/unprotected coil or heating element, and halogen lamps over 300w. Toaster and toaster ovens are prohibited except in community kitchens and suites with a kitchen or kitchenette.