Quiet Policy
Courtesy Hours
Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. Any noise you make is not to be excessive or disruptive to your community. If you are asked by anyone to quiet down, you are expected to comply immediately. Excessive noise is a violation of student rights and is unacceptable in University Residences. To minimize impact on others, students with amplified instruments, game systems, or audio equipment are advised to use headphones.
Quiet Hours
While the purpose of courtesy hours is to minimize disruptive or excessive noise, quiet hours are meant to maintain an atmosphere for studying and sleeping. The quiet hours below apply to all residential communities. Again, whenever you are asked by anyone to quiet down, you are expected to comply immediately.
Quiet Hours:
- 11 p.m. Sunday - Thursday nights
- 1 a.m. Friday & Saturday nights
Quiet Hours end at:
- 7 a.m. Monday-Friday mornings
- 9 a.m. Saturday & Sunday mornings
Quiet Hours During Finals Prep and Finals Week
The week before finals week, often known as “prep week”, may have altered quiet hours at the discretion of the Resident Director of that community. During finals week every hall has 24-hour quiet hours, starting at 7 p.m. on Sunday evening and ending at 4:00pm on Friday.
Noise Violations
While it is each student's responsibility to control noise, there is also responsibility of those impacted by noise to first contact the community member and request that the noise be reduced. If this approach does not succeed, contact a residential staff member.