Arrival Process 

  • Before arriving, make sure to sign-up for a move-in timeslot in the MyHousing portal. Timeslots will only be available to students who have received their room assignment.
  • Official Winter Quarter 2025 Move-in is scheduled for Sunday, January 5 from 10am - 3pm 
  • Come prepared with a government issued photo ID and your building/room number.
  • Follow our specific directions (see below) to arrive at your community desk. You will check-in and be provided with your room keys & welcome bag.
  • Park near your building in a 20-minute loading zone with you unpack your vehicle.
  • Once your vehicle is unloaded, move it to one of the C-lots (see map below) for long-term parking. 
  • Return to your hall to set up your room, meet your hall staff, and connect with other students!
  • If you arrive after-hours to check-in, contact your building’s RA On-Call number (posted around the hall).

Building & Room Access

At check-in you will receive a set of keys and/or fob that gives you access to your community, building, room and mailbox. You are financially responsible for your keys/fobs. Lost or damaged keys/fobs create a security risk to you and your community and must be reported to your front desk immediately.


Where to Arrive


Check In at Your Community Front Desk

At your building's community desk, you will receive your room keys and welcome bag. Follow the specific directions below:

Ridgeway Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn left at stop sign onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at light onto S Samish Way
  4. Turn left at light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  5. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for 1 mile 
  6. Bear right continuing on Bill McDonald Pkwy  
  7. Turn left onto W College Way  
  8. Turn right onto Highland Dr 
  9. Turn right into Ridgeway parking lot (see map below)

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn right onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at next light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  4. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for 1 mile 
  5. Bear right continuing on Bill McDonald Pkwy  
  6. Turn left onto W College Way  
  7. Turn right onto Highland Dr 
  8. Turn right into Ridgeway parking lot (see map below)

Buchanan Towers Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Washington University)
  2. Turn left at a stop sign onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at light onto S Samish Way
  4. Turn left at light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy for .7 miles
  5. Turn right onto 25th St
  6. Turn left into the Buchanan Towers parking lot (see map below)

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Washington University)
  2. Turn right onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at next light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  4. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for .7 miles 
  5. Turn right onto 25th St  
  6. Turn left into the Buchanan Towers parking lot (see map below)

Birnam Wood Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn left at stop sign onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at light onto S Samish Way
  4. Turn left at light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  5. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for .5 miles 
  6. Turn right into the Birnam Wood parking lot (see map below)

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn right onto Samish Way 
  3. Turn left at next light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  4. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for .5 miles 
  5. Turn right into the Birnam Wood parking lot (see map below)

Edens-Higginson Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr)
  2. Turn right onto King St
  3. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  4. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .5 miles
  5. Bear right onto E Holly St
  6. Turn left onto Billy Frank Jr. St
  7. Continue on Billy Frank Jr. St for .7 miles 
  8. Turn left on E Oak St.  
  9. Follow map below to Edens–Higginson Desk

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr)
  2. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr 
  3. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .3 miles
  4. Bear right onto E Holly St
  5. Turn left onto Billy Frank Jr. St
  6. Continue on Billy Frank Jr. St for .7 miles  
  7. Turn left on E Oak St 
  8. Follow map below to Edens–Higginson Desk 

Fairhaven Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn left at stop sign onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at light onto S Samish Way
  4. Turn left at light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  5. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for 1 mile 
  6. Turn right onto S College Dr  
  7. Turn right into the Fairhaven parking lot (see map below)

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 252 (Samish Way, W Wash University)
  2. Turn right onto Samish Way
  3. Turn left at next light onto Bill McDonald Pkwy
  4. Continue on Bill McDonald Pkwy for 1 mile 
  5. Turn right onto S College Dr  
  6. Turn right into the Fairhaven parking lot (see map below) 

Mathes Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr)
  2. Turn right onto King St
  3. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  4. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .5 miles
  5. Bear right onto E Holly St
  6. Turn left onto N Garden St.  
  7. Continue on N Garden St for .7 miles  
  8. Turn left into lot by Mathes Desk (see map below)

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr)
  2. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  3. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .3 miles
  4. Bear right onto E Holly St
  5. Turn left onto N Garden St.  
  6. Continue on N Garden St for .7 miles  
  7. Turn left into lot by Mathes Desk (see map below)

Nash Check-in

Northbound on I5                                                              

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr) 
  2. Turn right onto King St
  3. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  4. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .5 miles
  5. Bear right onto E Holly St
  6. Turn left onto Billy Frank Jr. St
  7. Continue on Billy Frank Jr. St for .7 miles
  8. Follow map below to Nash Desk

Southbound on I5

  1. Take Exit 253 (Lakeway Dr)
  2. Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  3. Continue on Lakeway Dr for .3 miles
  4. Bear right onto E Holly St
  5. Turn left onto Billy Frank Jr. St
  6. Continue on Billy Frank Jr. St for .7 miles 
  7. Follow map below to Nash Desk
map of campus

Don't Get a Parking Ticket

When you are finished unloading, move your car to one of the WWU parking lots:

  • Free parking available on Sunday (Jan 5): C lot
  • Pay to park: 6V, 7G and 14G lots

Here's how to get to popular destinations from Western on the bus: 

  • Lakeway Center, including Lakeway Fred Meyer, catch Routes 190  or 196 from the Viking Union
  • Sehome Village, including Haggen and Rite Aid, catch Routes 105107190 or 196 from the Viking Union
  • Fairhaven (restaurants, shops, trails, etc.), catch Routes 14 or 105 from the Viking Union
  • Downtown (restaurants, shops, trails, etc.), catch Routes 14105108190 or 197 from Haggard Hall
  • To get to Target at Bellis Fair Mall, first go to downtown’s Bellingham Station (on Routes 14105108190 or 197 from Haggard Hall). From Bellingham Station, transfer to Routes 15 or 331.
  • To get to Costco or Bakerview Fred Meyer, first go to downtown’s Bellingham Station (on Routes 14105108190 or 197 from Haggard Hall). From Bellingham Station, transfer to Route 50.

Questions? Visit Plan your trip and track your bus in real time using BusTracker.

After Hours Arrivals

If you are arriving outside of posted move in times, go to your community desk. If the building is closed call the number posted outside for the RA on call for assistance checking in.

Free Bus Rides With Your Student ID!

Consider traveling all weekend on foot, by bike and by WTA bus. Your student I.D. card is your WTA bus pass. Family members can pay $1 cash per ride or pay via mobile app. Review Student Bus Pass for an overview of Western bus services.


What to bring


Bed Options

  • Twin XL sheets will fit any of our mattresses on campus.
  • Rooms are configured as high singles with the exception of triple rooms which require lofts.
  • For disability accommodation, contact the Disability Access Center.
  • For more information, visit Bed Options.

Suggested Essentials

  • Approved appliances: electric tea kettles, coffee makers, blenders, electric fans, air purifiers, rice cookers, microwave ovens up to 900w, mini-fridges.
  • Clothing: plan for rain, snow and sun; bring warm layers, sensible shoes, rainproof jacket with hood, warm coat, waterproof boots, scarf, hat and gloves.
  • Emergency kit with rechargeable flashlight
  • Environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies
  • Flashlight: plan for shorter daylight hours in the winter.
  • Laundry gear: laundry bag, hamper or basket, detergent, hangers.
  • Linens: extra-long twin sheets, mattress pad or topper, pillows, blankets, comforter, sleeping bag, towels.
  • Medical: prescription medications, pain reliever, cold remedies, tissue, thermometer, antacid, allergy medicine.
  • Official documents required for employment: Social Security card, passport, driver’s license, birth certificate.
  • Personal technology: laptop, tablet or desktop computer, USB-connected printer, game console, TV, fire-safe surge protector.
  • Security items: fireproof lockbox or locking storage chest, laptop cable lock.
  • Storage: food, dishware, clothing, hangers, outdoor gear.
  • Toiletries: shower caddy and bathroom supplies.
  • Travel toolkit: half-inch socket wrench for bunking or lofting your bed.
  • Face Coverings

Resident Checkout Program

Before you buy, check out for free! Western’s Resident Checkout Program offers on-campus residents free short- and long-term checkouts of residence hall essentials, games, cleaning supplies, and more. For more information about current inventory and 2024-25 reservations, visit the RCP website.

Prohibited Items

  • Firearms or weapons
  • Flammable materials or explosives
  • Hazardous appliances: electric hotplates, burners, toasters and toaster ovens (allowed in suites with kitchenettes), space heaters, halogen lamps over 300w, hover boards, any appliance that is not UL approved.
  • Non-university beds or accessories
  • Pets are prohibited, but fish in tanks under 10 gallons are allowed. Assistance animals are not considered pets.
  • Wireless Routers
  • See: Prohibited Items

Assistance Animals

If you plan to bring a service dog or an emotional support animal, see Animals in Residence.




Connecting to the Internet

WiFi is provided throughout the residence halls and is included in your room rate.

Wireless routers are prohibited on our network. You can access the Internet through WWU WiFi using your universal login.

Note: wireless printers connected to our network can be seen and possibly used by other students. For more information, visit:

Tech Support

Residential Technology Services (ResTek) provides technology education and support by phone and email on issues concerning Internet connectivity, game consoles and copyright law. For more information, visit ResTek.

Residential Computer Labs

Each community has access to a 24-hour computer lab.


Dining Services


Residential Dining Commons

All dining commons will open for dinner on Sunday, Jan 5, 2025.

  • North Campus: Viking Commons
  • Ridgeway: Ridgeway Commons
  • South Campus: Fairhaven Commons

Visit Dine On Campus and/or download the app for dining commons hours, menus, events, and more! 

Each residential meal plan comes with a quarterly allowance of meal swipes plus Dining Dollars (for use at any retail dining locations). Meals are available at any dining commons: swipe your Western ID card when you enter the commons and one all-you-care-to-eat meal will be deducted from your dining balance. Unused meals expire at the end of the quarter.

Dining Dollars may be spent in any of the campus cafés, markets, or dining commons and carry over from one quarter to the next. Meal plan changes can be made by visiting Dine On Campus. Upgrades are accepted anytime, and downgrades are accepted through the second Friday of each quarter.

If you are living with food allergies, you are familiar with managing your health and wellness. Western works hard to provide the tools you need to maximize your dining experience on campus. We encourage you to meet with our registered dietitian and executive chef when you arrive on campus.


Things to Know


Room and board are billed to your student account before the start of each quarter, and your student account is accessible through MyWestern. Housing and meal plan rates are available at Financial Information.

The term of the Housing Agreement is the length of the academic year, or remainder thereof if you moved in midyear. Termination of occupancy before the last week of spring quarter may result in checkout penalties and a contract breakage fee. For more information, visit Housing Agreement.

As a member of the residential community, you are responsible for understanding and abiding by the residential policies and procedures, including the Housing Agreement, the Community Standards and Conduct Procedures. Before you move in, take the time to get familiar with the policies and procedures at Policies & Procedures.

Students wishing to change rooms may initiate a transfer request through the MyHousing portal no sooner than the second week of the quarter. Transfer requests may take several weeks or longer to process depending on available housing and resident requests. For more information, visit Transferring Rooms.

Once you register for classes, you are eligible for an official Western ID card. Your card covers:

  • WWU official photo ID
  • Swipe-access to your meal plan and Dining Dollars
  • Student bus pass and shuttle
  • Rec Center access
  • Athletic events
  • Library Services

For more information on Western Card, visit

Laundry Facilities

Each residential community is equipped with energy-efficient front-loading washers and dryers. Laundry is included in your room cost. No laundry card, coins or tokens are required.


Residents are responsible for the regular cleaning of their room, suite or apartment, including the proper disposal of trash and recyclables. Toilet paper is provided in the residence halls; Birnam Wood residents must provide their own toilet paper.

You and your suitemates are also responsible for cleaning your bathroom. Environmentally friendly cleaning products are strongly encouraged.

Please note: suite-style bathrooms will be cleaned once per month.

Custodial staff clean your bathroom daily if you live in a building with community bathrooms.

Custodians clean and disinfect public spaces at least three times per day.

Standard Amenities

Every room comes with WiFi, window coverings, a recycle bin, compost bucket and trash can. Standard furnishings for each student include: dresser or built-in drawers, closet or wardrobe for hanging clothes, a desk and a chair.

Bringing a Car? 

Make sure to sign up for a parking permit prior to arrival. Visit the Parking Portal for more information.


Racks designated for bicycle storage are provided throughout campus and within each residential community. Bicycles stored anywhere else are subject to impound. To see the type of bike storage available in your building, go to Explore the Buildings. We also encourage you to register your bike with University Police.

Keep Your Stuff Safe

The University assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to your personal property from any cause. We strongly recommend you obtain Student Property Insurance or request Renters Insurance through your family insurance company.




Official Communication

Your WWU email is the University’s official method of communication. Housing staff regularly send official, time-sensitive communication by email. You are accountable for all information sent to your student email. You may set up email forwarding to redirect your Western email to a personal email account.

Receiving Mail & Packages

To ensure your mail successfully reaches your residence hall, address mail and packages as presented below, using your official first and last name. You should always use trackable, insured options when mailing cash or anything of value. When tracked items arrive, pickup notice is sent to your university email account.

Your Full Name
516 High Street
Hall Name + Room Number
Bellingham, WA 98225

For more details on resident mail, visit Mail & Deliveries.