Crowd of students crossing campus


Western maintains over a million square feet of housing and dining space on its century-old, 215-acre campus. Sixteen residence halls and one apartment complex make up eight unique residential communities, each community with their own resident director.

Western’s campus is live-on optional and has an operating capacity of 4,145 residents. Within the division of Student Affairs, the department of University Residences employs 60 full-time staff and more than 150 student staff.

University Residences supports and is guided by the:

  • University Mission and Strategic goals
  • Board of Trustees Guiding Principles for the Western Washington University Housing and Dining System
  • 10 Year Capital Plan
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCC) recommendations of the 2008 Comprehensive Evaluation Committee Report
  • Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) professional standards for higher education
  • Association of College and University Housing Organization-International standards and guidelines

Our Vision

Students living in University Residences engage in a community unlike any other, where they explore their passion, purpose and place at Western.

Our Mission

Create affordable, safe and well-maintained University housing that supports participation in healthy, inclusive and sustainable communities, where students invest in their academic success and personal growth.

Department Principles

  • Student Centered
  • Collaborative Partnerships
  • Culture of Evidence
  • Customer Service
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Safe and Secure Residential Communities
  • Stewardship
  • Technology
  • Work Environment