Demonstration Policy
Demonstrations that materially or substantially disrupt the normal operation of University Residences will result in conduct action.
Individuals interested in chalking for demonstration or event promotion in the residence hall outdoor areas should contact their Resident Director to request permission before doing so.
University community members and recognized groups/offices may use chalk in designated areas of the campus and under specific conditions as a means of expressing their views and exchanging information. If a specific use is not indicated in these guidelines, it is assumed that use is not permitted. Only non-toxic, water soluble chalk may be used. Chalking is permitted only on the ground and may not extend to, or include, walls, columns, art work, benches, tables, or part of any facility or structure. Chalk not in designated or reserved areas will be removed. For more information on the University Chalking Policy (Including information on Duration and Clean-up) see: Exterior Space Use/Chalking - Guidelines.