Housekeeping Standards

As a member of the residential community, your housekeeping habits directly influence the living environment of those around you. You are socially and financially responsible for the condition of your space and how it impacts others. Campus living is an educational opportunity to learn valuable skills in housekeeping, cooperation, and self-awareness.

Student Responsibilities
  • Your Room: You are responsible for keeping your room clean. Failure to maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness can cause undue wear and tear on your room and furnishing, foster pest infestations, spread germs and illness, and may project an atmosphere that feels disrespectful or unwelcoming to others.
  • Community Bathrooms: Hall-style buildings contain community bathrooms cleaned daily by custodial staff. These buildings include Edens North, Mathes Hall, Nash Hall, Ridgeway Alpha, Delta, Kappa, Omega and Sigma. Toilet paper is provided in the community bathrooms.
  • Suite Bathrooms for 10 Students or More: If you live in a suite designed for 10 or more students, your bathroom will be cleaned daily by custodial staff. Suites for 10 or more students are located in Fairhaven. Toilet paper is provided in your suite bathroom.
  • Suite Bathrooms for Eight Students or Less: If you live in a suite designed for eight or less students, your bathroom will be cleaned monthly by custodial staff. Suites for eight or fewer students are located in Buchanan Towers, Buchanan Towers East, Edens Hall, Fairhaven, Higginson Hall, Ridgeway Beta and Gamma. All suite bathrooms undergo a comprehensive cleaning and maintenance protocol each month; you will receive notification by email. You must remove personal items or the bathroom cannot be cleaned. Toilet paper is delivered directly to your suite when your bathroom is cleaned. 
  • Birnam Wood Apartments: If you live in Birnam Wood, you and the residents in your apartment are responsible for cleaning the bathroom yourselves. You are required to supply your own toilet paper. Please note that all apartment bathrooms undergo a comprehensive cleaning and maintenance protocol each quarter; you will receive notification by email. You must remove personal items or the bathroom cannot be cleaned.
  • Private Bathrooms: A handful of rooms on campus contain private bathrooms located in Edens North, Mathes, Nash, Ridgeway Sigma, Alpha, Omega and Kappa. If you have a private bathroom in your room, you are responsible for cleaning it. You are required to supply your own toilet paper.
  • Cleaning Supplies & Equipment: You are responsible for providing your own cleaning supplies and equipment. Toxic products such as bleach, ammonia, drain cleaner and pesticides are prohibited. Be aware and respectful of suitemates who are sensitive to certain household cleaners or heavily-scented products. Brooms, vacuums and other cleaning supplies are provided at your community's front desk.
  • Trash, Recycling and Composting: You are responsible for neatly disposing of your trash, compost and recyclables in your community's collection area. Your room comes with a recycling bin, trash can and compost bin. Trash bags and compost liners are delivered to suite-style rooms. Hall-style and Birnam Wood apartments can pick up additional compost liners and trash bags at community front desks.
  • Maintenance Requests: You are responsible for submitting a maintenance request whenever something in your room, suite or apartment needs to be fixed or replaced. Typical reasons for filing a maintenance request include a flickering or burned-out light bulb, dripping faucet, clogged toilet, slow drain, or insect infestation. Please note that most maintenance requests are resolved quickly and at no cost to the student.
What Holds Students Accountable?
  • Inspections: University personnel are authorized to enter your room or apartment for the purpose of facilities inspection, maintenance requests, student health and safety, or other official University business. If the condition of your room, suite or bathroom is determined to be unacceptable, you will be notified and given a deadline by which you must clear and pass a follow-up inspection. If you fail to follow-up for the inspection, you will be charged for cleaning by custodial staff.
  • The Vacancy Standard: If there is a vacancy in your room, suite or apartment you must remain ready to receive a new roommate or suitemates by keeping the vacant portion empty and the occupied portion of the room/suite clean, presentable and welcoming. When leaving for intersession, you are advised to leave your portion of the room/suite clean and presentable in case your current roommate unexpectedly moves out. If the room/suite is not clean and presentable, you may be notified and given a chance to clean before a new roommate arrives. Otherwise, you may be charged the super-single rate for the date the vacancy occurred.
  • Consequences for Not Doing Your Part: In order to maintain a clean and healthy living environment, students are expected to communicate, cooperate and share responsibility for cleaning within their room and suite. Failure to do your part may be considered disruptive behavior, which can ultimately result in conduct action.