Other Devices

Information on wireless printers can be found on our Personal Printers page.

Products such as the following do not have web browsers, and so they must be registered on our network manually by the device’s MAC address.

  • Web-Enabled TV (Smart TV)
  • Blu Ray Player
  • TiVo
  • eReader
  • VoIP or IP Telephone
  • Roku
  • Apple TV
  • Amazon echo products (Note: For echo products the MAC address is not always shipped with the device so locating the MAC address can be done by contacting the seller)

Registering Other Devices

Registered Devices can connect to the WWUwireless-Guest network without needing to login. This is useful for devices like Roku devices, gaming consoles, and smart devices to login to the network and access the internet.

  1. Find your MAC Address

    • The simplest way to locate the MAC address for most devices is to go look at our page on How to Find Your Mac Address.

    • If your device was not listed or you are still having difficulties finding your Mac Address, we recommend Googling “How to find MAC address on (insert device name here)”. Usually If you google for devices such as Smart TVs and Rokus, you can find the MAC address in the settings of the device.

    • For other web-enabled devices, the MAC address can usually be located on the underside of your device or in the user manual. If you have problems locating your device’s MAC address, please consult your manufacturer’s website or contact their customer support center.

  2. Register Your Device

    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Log in with your Universal ID and password
    2. Click "Add"
    3. Enter a name for your device, the MAC address under "Device ID", and a description of your device
    4. Click "Submit"
  3. Connect to the WWUwireless-Guest network

  4. Restart your device

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Blocked On The ResTek Network

UPnP is commonly found in devices such as Chromecasts, Google Homes, other media streaming devices, and in features like Apple Airplay

Devices such as the Chromecast, features like Apple Airplay, some external network hard drives, some wireless printers, and other various media devices use a technology called UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). UPnP is blocked on the ResTek Wi-Fi network and devices and features using UPnP will not work.

Why? UPnP is designed for small networks (such as a home network). On a large network, such as the one in the WWU residence halls, enabling the ability to use this protocol would result in poor network performance for everyone. Even if this feature was supported it would cripple the performance of the network and the device itself would function very poorly.

You should always check if your device needs UPnP by googling the device or checking its specs on the box or user manual.

How can we help?

NOTE: You MUST be connected to the WWU wired or secure network to register a device.