Current Projects

Water Line Repair Work

Work to repair a domestic water main line break near Ridgeway Kappa on West College Way will begin Wednesday, Feb 5 at 8am, weather permitting. Work hours will be 8am-5pm on weekdays unless otherwise noted. Work is expected to be completed on Tuesday, Feb 11 at 5pm.

SCHEDULE: Feb 5 - Feb 11, 8am-5pm on weekdays


  • Follow detours as noted on signage
  • One lane traffic on West College Way at Highland Drive, follow flagger directions
  • Construction related noise (saw cutting, heavy equipment operations, worker actions), dust, odors, and other disturbances are possible
  • Contractor will exercise all possible attempts to minimize impact

See map below for work activity areas and detour route. One traffic lane will be closed on West College Way at Highland Drive, with flaggers directing traffic around the closure. Expect short delays on this route. Pedestrian traffic will be detoured from Highland Drive through the Ridgeway Complex. Follow signage for detour. Please exercise caution around construction areas. If you have questions or concerns, please contact FixIt@wwu.edu.

Ridge map

Past Projects

Community bathroom shower capabilities within Delta have been temporarily reduced due to plumbing issues that surfaced on Thursday, September 19.

IMPACTS: These issues have impacted bathrooms 218 (female), 312 (male), 414 (female).

  1. As a result, one of the showers on each floor will be out of service while Facilities Development & Operations (FDO) staff work to diagnose and resolve issues.
  2. Signage has been posted and temporary barriers are being added to prevent usage of these showers.
  3. Please do NOT use these showers until they are properly fixed. NOTE: An operable shower and tub is available on each floor to the left of the impacted shower.
  4. You may also use other community bathrooms within your building or alternate resources until services are restored.

RESOLUTION: FDO staff will begin extensive exploration efforts to determine where plumbing systems have failed requiring mitigation actions.  These efforts will occur weekdays starting on Thursday, September 26 at 10:00am and will continue through Friday, October 25.

  1. During this period, FDO staff may be working within the bathrooms between 10:00am – 5:00pm.
  2. Jack hammering efforts will be done to remove concrete around drains.
  3. Actions will be very noisy and you may feel vibrations if your room is close to the community bathrooms affected.
  4. Once the failure point has been identified, FDO will provide an appropriate restoration plan and we will update residents with a target completion date.


Please use showers available in other community bathrooms located in the Ridge Delta building as needed. 

  • DELTA - Male: 234, 420  Female: 107, 333
  1. If needed, please use alternate available resources as noted below.


  1. Showers are also available within other SODA building community bathrooms.  Please note that your proximity fob also provides you access to the other SODA community buildings listed below.
  • SIGMA - Male: 212, 302, 403   Female: 112, 311, 408, 502
  • OMEGA - Male: 104, 218, 321  Female: 125, 204, 304
  • ALPHA - Male: 233, 31  Female: 119, 135, 216, 331
  1. A gender neutral restroom with shower is also available on the 1st floor of Alma Clark Glass Hall when the public space is opened from 7:30am to 7:00pm.
  2. Wade King Student Recreation Center is also open accordingly per their schedule.

When: October 9, 2023 through January 25, 2024

  • Monday – Friday: 8:00am-9:30am (no noise) 9:30am-5:00pm (noise) 5:00pm-6:00pm (no noise / clean up).
  • Weekends and Holidays: no work unless approved five (5) business days in advance by UR Facilities.

Where: Ridgeway Omega Porch

Scope: A contractor will be performing porch retaining wall repairs in Ridgeway Omega starting Monday, October 9.

Action Required: Please see Project Overview file below for the detour and pedestrian road map as well as the expected impacts.

More information:

Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) painters will be painting the common areas in Alpha, Delta & Omega, which includes entry points, hallways, stairways, lounges, laundry rooms, and public restrooms.


  • Alpha: Monday, March 11 - Friday, May 31 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Delta: Monday, April 15 - Friday, May 31 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Omega: Monday, April 22 - Friday, May 31 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Impact: Residents may experience the following occasional impacts: 

  • Construction odors from paint, adhesives, and sealants.
  • Dust, some noise, and wet paint.

Note: Staff will not need to enter your private living space.