
How can we help?

NOTE: You MUST be connected to the WWU wired or secure network to register a device.

Connect to Wireless (Windows 10)

  1. From the Windows 10 desktop, click the wireless icon in the system tray (in the bottom right hand corner of the screen).
    System tray region of Windows screen


  2. A bar will appear on the right. Click on "WWUwireless-Secure".
    Quick Wi-Fi settings showing list of available networks including "WWUwireless-Secure"


  3. Click Connect.
    The "WWUwireless-Secure" network is selected and shows a "Connect" prompt


  4. It will prompt you for a Username and Password. Enter your WWU Universal ID and password, then click OK.
    Prompt asking for Username and Password


  5. You will be asked to verify the connection, click Connect. Your computer will verify your credentials and connect. This may take a moment.
  6. If successful, you should now see that you are connected.


The following methods may aid in getting you connected if you run into any problems. If you haven't already, make sure to Forget the Network if you have previously connected to the "WWUwireless-Secure" network.

Configure Network Settings

  1. Search for View network connections in the Windows start menu and click on it.

    Windows search bar showing the "View network connections" app


  2. Look for a connection/adapter that says Wi-Fi or Local Area Connection and make sure it is enabled (not grayed out).
  3. Right click on that connection/adapter and select Properties.

    Wi-Fi/Local area connection adapter with a drop-down configuration menu


  4. Highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4)" and click Properties.

    Wi-Fi Properties with "Internet Protocol Version 4" item highlighted


  5. Check that both "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically" are selected.

    Internet Protocol V4 Properties with "Obtain IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically" settings selected


  6. Press OK to save settings and exit the TCP/IP Properties window.
  7. Click OK to close Local Area Connection Properties window. Open a web browser to check your connection.